10 ways to spot a stingy partner and how to handle them

Dealing with a stingy partner? Get in here let's give you hints on how to deal with such people in the best possible way. 

It amazes me each time a lady  nags and also find fault in almost everything her partner does just because her boyfriend is going through unfavorable condition which may not even last long before things get back into normal.

Below are signs that tells you how a stingy lady will act when you marry her.

1. She presents inferior gifts to her boyfriend
For a lady who present inferior gifts such as N100 recharge card, mallam perfume, slippers, china boxers and singlets as birthday gift for her boyfriend shows that she will become a stingy and disastrous wife. It's a shameful thing to see how some ladies treat their boyfriends like a worthless dog hereby presenting an inferior gift to a guy who went extra mile to please them during their birthday celebration.

2. She doesn't want to lose anything
According to Prof Tosyne2much, he opined that some ladies are so stingy that they share similar characteristics with our policemen. When you visit them, you will be the one to spend, when they visit you, you will still be the one to spend. These kind of ladies are stingy and will contribute nothing in marriage.

3. She always claim to be broke
A lady who always claims to be broke at all time when her account is actually fat indicates that the probability is high for her to become a home wrecker. Such ladies are only interested in what a guy can offer financially but immediately things turn sour, you won't see their brake light again.

4. I don't consider spending on a guy instead he does

It's a huge blow on ladies whose brains are wired to the belief that financial responsibilities and pressure should only be mounted on guys while the ladies go about flexing. As a result of this, many of them see marriage as a route to escape from poverty. Some of them will even say that they can never call a guy who sends them recharge card (what a wack mentality). These kind of ladies can't help build a home.

5. She can't Lend her Boyfriend Money
It's very shameful that many useless ladies always claim that they can't respect their boyfriends if they borrow him money. This is nothing but bullshit. The last time I check, relationship is give and take and it should emanate from both side. Never even consider walking down the aisle with such a lady.

6. She hates the idea of doing dutch on dates
I have seen cases where some stingy ladies grumble and murmur like children of Israel saying that their boyfriends do not love them just because their boyfriends demanded that the bill be splitted and paid by each party when on date. These categories of ladies will end up causing problems in the family as they are stubborn headed to pool resources together.

7. She's desperate to know her boyfriend's monthly income
I don't really blame guys who are bent on not disclosing their monthly income to their girlfriend, this is because many ladies are only curious to know so that they will know how to bring up cooked up stories to scam him. Survey has it that any lady who is desperate to know her boyfriend's monthly income is nothing but a selfish lady. Desist from such a lady.

8. She wants everything for free
They always advocate no sex before marriage yet they want everything for free while they are not ready to pay a sacrifice. However, ladies who want everything on a platter of gold need to understand that a guy will never cherish you if you are always at the receiving end. Guys like it when they beg a lady to accept their money or gifts. Ladies of this nature will become stingy wives
